
convenience food 方便(速食)食品〔指罐頭食物,方便(速食)面條等〕。


He added : “ we believe our convenience store offer is the best in the uk and by working with shell we can bring sainsbury s quality convenience food shopping into new areas of the uk and within easy reach of millions of new customers . 他補充說道: “我們相信我們的便利店是全英國最好的便利店。而且通過與殼牌公司的合作我們可以將森寶利經營的高品質的便利食品商業服務擴展到英國新的地區,并且可以很容易的爭取到成千上萬的新顧客。 “

While convenience foods are becoming more popular with time - stressed urbanites , the consumption of processed foods is sometimes accompanied by guilt as consumers feel they may be trading nutrition and safety for convenience 對節奏緊湊的都市人而言,便利食品的流行同時帶給了他們方便及罪惡感,在食用已料理過的食品時感覺因為貪圖方便而犧牲了營養和健康。

“ when buying groceries , choose fruits and vegetables over convenience foods high in sugar and fat . always have healthy snacks available . and never use food as a reward or punishment 在買食品的時候,挑一些水果和蔬菜,而不是那些高糖分、高脂肪的方便食品。一定要準備一些健康的零食,據不用食物作為獎勵或懲罰的手段。

“ when buying groceries , choose fruits and vegetables over convenience foods high in sugar and fat . always have healthy acks available . and never use food as a reward or punishment 在買食品的時候,挑一些水果和蔬菜,而不是那些高糖分、高脂肪的方便食品。一定要準備一些健康的零食,據不用食物作為獎勵或懲罰的手段。

Walk down the supermarket aisle or even the displays at a neighbourhood grocery store and you will be greeted with rows upon rows of convenience foods that require a minimum of preparation and cooking 走在超級市場或家附近雜貨店的商品架中,迎面而來的是一排又一排只需要花一點點時間料理的便利食品。

We envision kamboat will become a brandname not only of restaurant chain , or bakery products , but also of , maybe , cookies , drinks or convenience food in the ensuing years . “ continued mr wong 集團寄望金龍船不只局限為一個酒家或餅店的品牌,而能在可見的年頭成為餅食、飲品或方便食品等的品牌。

The bottom - line is , you may not always have the time to prepare a meal from scratch but health and nutrition does not need to be compromised with convenience foods 底限是,你不可能總是有時間大費周章的來準備一餐,但是健康及營養和便利食品不需要是相互抵觸的。

Kfc in shaoxing is leading the convenience food industry in shao - xing and it supplies quality service 紹興肯德基是紹興快餐店的龍頭老大,提供優質的快餐服務。

“ adults with children ate more of those snacks and other convenience foods “帶孩子的成年人通常會吃下更多數量的快餐及其他種類的方便食品。

Convenience food stores 便利食品商店

Chinese convenience food manufacture profession and market analysis report 中國方便食品制造行業與市場分析報告

Development of acetes convenience food 毛蝦休閑食品的研制